Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Take A Chance

I remember from my job search experience that when you are prepared, you don't get any interview, and when you are not trying, or prepared, you get "interviews". And there is a high probability that you will blow up. But, here comes the fight between a thought which says to give up and flee the interview, and another says to take a chance and try your best. Which side would you go? This is life, not a film, where you don't get second chance. My philosophy is to take chances. There is also a song I remember (not sure by whom but quite famous) called 'Take a Chance..'. For a chance, there can be two disciplines of thinking, one which says, I am not ready, so I will prepare myself and then look out for new chances. Mind well, this never happens, if you are not ready today, you are never going to be ready ever in your life. If you follow this discipline, you may regret it later to let the chance go. CHANCES DO NOT WAIT FOR ANYONE. If you get a chance, just take it, don't wait for the next one. I solve my confusions with this simple rule: I will give it my best shot whether I am prepared or not and TAKE the CHANCE rather than hiding from it may be it failure.


Lorena said...

and I've found from experience that you only regret the chance you didn't take, not the one you did.

venus said...

I totally agree with you, one only regrets chances not taken, you don't want to have "I should have done it" feeling.