Friday, February 11, 2005

Am I Patient Enough?


How much patience is patience, and how much patience makes you a fool?

There is no fine line between these too. Patience is a positive attitude, a hope, kind of "what you want, would happen, may take little longer" attitude. Too much waiting for the thing to happen can prove yourself a fool. It's on a person's judgement, how long to be patient. Many times, being patient is taken as a weakness. I have come up with a good formula to this, set a deadline, or give a certain numbers of chances to your patience, like, number of benefits of doubts, or set a time period to evaluate your judgement of patience again. Absence of patience is more seen in teenagers, which is not necessarily a conclusion. Sometimes patience can reflect fear of situation of not having patience or disregarding self respect.

1 comment:

allievo said...

I have seen a Hindi movie ( The name is Sadma for those people who have seen the movie), in which the hero takes cares of the heroine, , a mentally retarded female, with whom he is madly in love. Is this patience?. Do i take care of my wife, beloved, who is not mentally retarded, with the same intensity?
Is being patience is also dependent on the state of other person? Are we patient to hear what our beloved spouse have to say, we come home from office totally tired? Do we have enough patience? Or is it justified that since we are tired, we don't have to attend to our beloved friends? Is patience different with different people and based on what they would be feeling? I might still be patience and will tend to my wife, if after coming home, i found her to be ill.

Yes, in reality, we are patient, when we feel, we feel the other person is not in normal situation. But when the other person is in normal situation, why don't we have the patient to hear or just be with the other person.

I feel, we consciously, weigh the situation and then decide to be patient or not. But i feel, there is a deeper level of patient which originates much deeper from the mind and doesn't have any logical explanation. When we see our child in a buidling on fire, no matter how tired we are, or how afraid of the fire, we will plunge into the fire to save the child. When dogs chase us, we don't just stop there because we are tired, we run no matter what happens. Yes we can say this is survial instinct. But this survial instinct is not possible, if the mind interfers and says that we are tired. This patience, to understand the things at deeper level and then to act from there.

If deeply, we desire certain things, then we would have the patience to endure anything to achieve those things. It's is the intent desire or the deep down desire that drives us to be patience and to endure and still move on. Let's say a person whom i love very deeply and want to see the person as happy, won't i not have patience to be with the person. Would i be comfortable in the situation is all together a different thing, and the uncomfortablity will drive us away from the desire or will decrease the desire to being with that person, but till we desire and love the person ( very deeply and not superficially) we would have the patience to take for the person.

I am not sure, is the is a limit to a patience or not, just that at a certain time, we loose the sight of our desire, and then trade it will some comfort for the short term or in the near future, but deep down, we still desire to achieve what we wanted. When we are doing the tradeoff, it hurts us, because we have to choose between the two and we are giving up on the desire. Till we can and till we are finding a way, to reach our goals, and till the desire is burning, there is always patience.